Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Feeling Swollen

Less than 2 weeks until 'touch down'... swollen ankles and fingers like little sausages (no photo - sorry). Had a few Braxton Hicks but no signs of the little one wanting to come out. Promise to keep you all updated.

Nice and Stripy - Week 37

Sofia has had her last day at work for some time and is now on maternity leave - Woohoo! Her 'nesting instinct' is now kicking in and the flat is spotless!

Bowling Ball Belly - Week 36

We finished our NCT course and feel much more prepared now. Met some lovely people on our course who we hope to stay in touch with. Our course leader Sarah was really helpful and answered all of our questions. Lot's of movements from the bump now!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Big and Blue - Week 35

We started our NCT course this week and met some other couples who are expecting babies in March. We all asked lots of questions about giving birth, what a contraction feels like, breast feeding etc. They make it all sound so easy!

On Devils Dyke

Two of the prospective grandparents came to visit yesterday and we all went and had a lovely lunch and swift walk on Devils Dyke. Bit nippy out but it was glorious in the sunshine!

Big Blue Bump

While this photo was being taken I got a kick in the head from our little sproglett! Cheeky bugger!